Acendas Vacations

Travel Can Chart a Course for Global Sustainability

There isn’t an industry that hasn’t faced the challenge of working towards being sustainable.

In fact, the challenge often starts because there is little understanding of what sustainability actually means. The term came from a report presented to the United Nations in 1987, defining sustainability as: “development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

What is Sustainability?

Often times, sustainability is confused as being solely focused on the environment. The U.N. report introduced the three-legs of sustainability as people, planet and profit — where any imbalance would have consequences. In other words, to be sustainable an equilibrium must be reached among the enduser, the environment and the business model. Because of this equilibrium, the sustainability is not a goal or end-result, rather it is a process.

So, how does the travel industry stack up? Much has been written on the subject, with a decidedly optimistic tone about the ability of travel and tourism to help poor countries generate resources to benefit its citizens. While the industry promotes the beauty of these locales, the message is more and more being piggy-backed with an experiential element. Travelers are enjoying activities that run the gamut from more sedate leisurely strolls to the more challenging climbs and hikes. Travel is not only about seeing, it’s also about doing.


G Adventures founder Bruce Poon Tip says, “sustainability is at the forefront of our business model because of consumer demand.” They are not alone as more and more options for eco-tourism packages are available. Best practices are being put into place at properties that conserve energy and water, and minimize waste through more efficient systems and the use of technology.

Today we celebrate Earth Day – the largest secular celebration in the world. We love the ground beneath our feet, the air that we breathe, and the flora and fauna with which we share.

That is why Acendas is passionate about what it does. Our goal is to make your experience traveling this planet unforgettable, while preserving its wondrous beauty for future generations.
