
Are you Ready for Actionable Data?

Travel managers are looking for more than reports from their travel program data. They are seeking perceptive information that can turn their average data into effective, persuasive, actionable intelligence.

The method travel managers use to convey program achievement to internal stakeholders is a significant aspect of gaining their assistance and will encourage them that both the travel program and overall company objectives are correlated.

We have the following tactics for travel managers looking to convert their stack of program data into insightful, actionable data:

1. Recognize stakeholders’ requirements. Your internal team’s preferences for obtaining information varies and your communication method should follow stakeholders’ needs. For travelers and human resources, the message should emphasize service and accessibility, while finance and procurement are numbers-driven.

2. Comprehend your goals. Ask questions and concentrate on simply and completely explaining these purposes. Questions you should ask include the following:

  1. How will you calculate achievements, by checking savings, proving exact developments, or other method?
  2. What are you looking for from the internal stakeholders; e.g. approval for particular programs?
  3. Which of your key performance indicators (KPIs) or other plans should be the main focus. Select KPIs that are connected with your program’s objectives, which will provide a foundation to your travel data and assist with calculating achievements.

3. Observe the entire perspective. Do not examine reports separately or you may overlook bigger trends. Your possible behaviors are considerably sharper when you understand the motivations behind your spend.

4. Realize your accurate data. Ensure your data matches the travel program objectives. Determine what intelligence is required from your travel management company (TMC) and/or suppliers for further understanding into your spend.

5. Select suitable graphics. Choose the appropriate report formats for your stakeholders and ensure the following:

  1. All travel data should be actionable and have objectives.
  2. Describe discoveries that can be obtained from data.
  3. Additional information that you offer is distinct, remains focused, and upholds your purpose.

6. Generate data statements. These explanations should be pertinent, persuasive, customized, and provided in transparent methods. Obtaining very convincing statements requires collecting data from a broader and not as defined group of resources. Conveying data statements that are created to remain with executives, travelers, and/or suppliers assists you with quickly promoting your objectives and more efficiently persuading your program’s success.

7. Extend outside reports. Analyses and reports are a facet of business intelligence and offer numerous advantages. However, advancing beyond into multifaceted analytics reveals a completely innovative area of opportunities. Delve further into your data to stay on top of spend, modify policy, steer volume, locate disparities, benchmark, and alter KPIs, and concurrently being concerned for your travelers.

Ask us how Acendas DecisionSource, powered by BCD Travel can transform ordinary business information into actionable, influential, and intuitive data.

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