
Case Study: Technology Creates Efficiency for Partners in Leadership

Partners in Leadership is an organization which focuses on culture management for its clients with the goal of elevating accountability and delivering breakthrough results.

As its travel management partner, Acendas Travel was tasked to accomplish essentially the same result for Partners in Leadership. It was a considerable challenge because the organization had its staff traveling world wide.

Challenging Travel Needs

“Our travel is very complicated,” said Partners In Leadership Director of Account Services Gale Nelson. “Our consulting partners could be in three or four cities in a week. Because we bill those expenses to our clients, we needed to show them a reliable process. We were very labor intensive in our travel (management).”

Seeking a better way, Partners in Leadership turned to Acendas to find a solution. The arduous manual process was replaced through a streamlined online travel request form customized by Acendas. It created efficiencies and reliability though an automated workflow process. No more stacks of trip folders, copying of receipts, or dividing expenses.

When the pandemic hit, travel was significantly reduced and Partners In Leadership worked together to take the next step. They made the process of booking travel and managing expenses even more efficient through the implementation of online booking. Staff was trained and processes were in place to allow the traveler to make their arrangements.

Creating Efficiencies

“We have come so far in just a few years with Acendas,” Nelson said. “Working with Acendas Travel we utilized technology to create solutions that made the process more efficient and effective.”

The results of this effort are certainly not unique when it comes to the various Acendas Travel partners. Virtually each one has been touched by tools to reduce labor input — resulting in more productivity and cost savings.

A Travel Technology Company

“We often say Acendas is a ‘travel technology’ company because so much of our focus is dedicated to providing online solutions,” said Acendas Vice President of Travel Technology Ken Augustine. “But the change in the last five years or so has been dramatic. It has been a major factor in fueling our growth. It also allowed us to pivot and create solutions in a rapid fashion when the pandemic hit.”

And with so much change occurring as a result of the pandemic, the technology has been a huge plus in fostering business continuity in helping businesses get back on the road.

