
Acendas Announcements

“Can’t Wait to Say Wheels Up”

By Brent Blake, President, Acendas Travel When everyone is sharing in the pain of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a futile exercise to say one group is challenged more than another—especially when we are relatively early in the battle and tough times remain. However, I do use this opportunity to express

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Acendas Announcements

Staying Ahead of the Snowball

By Brent Blake, President, Acendas Travel Legendary hall-of-fame pitcher and amateur philosopher Satchel Paige famously said: “don’t look back, something might be gaining on you.” At the risk of raising the ire of Mr. Paige’s soul, when I look back at my years in the travel management industry I see

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Is Your Travel Policy Topic No. 1 Around the Water Cooler?

By Brent Blake, President, Acendas Travel As business leaders, sometimes we tend to ignore national trends because we believe we are “different than the others” or insulated from what is happening elsewhere. But in terms of corporate travel, no one can afford to have their head in the sand anymore

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M&I Resource Article

Meetings are where the work gets done.

By Stephanie Clifton, Director of Meetings/Incentives, Acendas Travel The dirty little secret is that as much as people say they detest meetings; the truth is a well-designed and well-run meeting is productive with both short and long-term results as a byproduct. A few weeks ago, Acendas Travel hosted 50-plus travel

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Are Your Travel Tools More Like a Model T than a Smart Car?

Is your company enhancing the staff travel experience by providing self-service technology solutions? These technology advancements include allowing mobile bookings to be completed — not only in compliance with corporate travel policy –, but also aligned to travelers’ unique preferences and requirements. This is pretty amazing, considering mobile phones have

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Is your company properly protecting travelers?

When disruption affects staff travel – be it a storm, illness, political unrest, etc. — the most important question is: “Are your prepared?” While not every contingency can be addressed in advance, it is important for travel managers to collaborate with human resources, security and any other relevant department to

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